Third weekend in a row I've gone garage saling and I had great success! The grand prize was a sturdy desk and chair for $24 -- the bonus is that it fits perfectly in my space and looks great. I've been needing a replacement for my desk for years now. The old desk was a Target desk from Goodwill. I set it out by the dumpster with the IKEA chair and they were both gone the next time I looked. Nice recycling!
The new set really looks like wood, but it probably isn't. It's sleek and dark and the chair is very comfortable; just perfect.
But that's not all! I also bought a box full of beautiful baby clothes for $13, which I will send to my granddaughter. A new top for me for $1, some children's books for $1.75, some display bottles for $2. And I found a Razor scooter for my grandson for $10 -- like new and just the right size. And it's just like his brother's only smaller, with red handlebars! (The favorite color of the moment!) Success all round.
After garage saling we all (including DIL's mom) went out to lunch, where I spent $11. I think I startled everyone when I asked to have all the fruit and vegetables the kids didn't eat boxed up, as well as the onion and tomato slice from GS's hamburger! I used up most of it the next morning in an omelet with a fruit cup on the side.
So I am the cheapest woman alive. They already know it.
Later in the day I went grocery shopping with elder grandson -- he was a big help, and I was able to keep it down to 12 items, even with all the suggestions for great things to buy! (Like ice cream, cereal, candy bars....) He helped me scan and bag at the self-service line; quite the little grownup. (He's 6!) So, groceries were about $38.
$3 for laundry, $5 for a prescription -- that was the weekend spending.
On Sunday I made lunch for everyone -- fish sandwiches with sweet potato fries, and mac & cheese for the kids. Frozen yogurt for dessert, and then a game of Yahtzee. It was a good day.
Today I paid a $100 doctor bill.
I had my free breakfast and free lunch at work today; tonight's dinner will be leftovers from yesterday. Life is good!
The Weekend
August 19th, 2013 at 06:40 pm
August 19th, 2013 at 07:11 pm 1376935871
August 19th, 2013 at 10:26 pm 1376947560