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Found 'Em!

August 23rd, 2013 at 03:00 pm

The lost vouchers were at home, hidden in a bunch of papers I had taken out of my old bag. I actually went through those papers before, and somehow missed seeing the vouchers, so I'm really glad I took a second look!

I bought my ticket this morning for the reduced price of $105.

I also bought a kiddie smoothie from Jamba Juice ($3) so that I will have TWO "Planes" cups for the grandsons (who will be sleeping over tomorrow night!)

And last night I bought an Amazon card for $25 to give to the daughter of a friend -- she is awaiting a heart transplant in the hospital, and I'm sure her days are long and she could use some distraction.

Wouldn't you know it, though, I recover one thing and lose something else. I left my umbrella on the train last night. Tonight, during my train break, I'll investigate the lost and found to see if I can get it back. If it's not there, I'll get a replacement at Goodwill.

I got a call from one of my medical suppliers that my credit card number didn't work. Turns out, they can't process flex cards. I told her to re-bill me and I'll write a check. I think my flex account is close to maxed out anyway.

Getting close to the end of the month, and my spending is still under $2000! When my assessment fee hits, that will take it over, though. And I still have a grocery trip, and I expect there will be some garage saling tomorrow, too. But still, a pretty tame month, moneywise.

3 Responses to “Found 'Em!”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Glad you found them!

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    Yay, glad you found them. Smile

  3. PNW Mom Says:

    Yay! Glad you found them! Smile

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