Home > Waiting


September 4th, 2013 at 04:31 pm

I'm home today, waiting for the plumber. He's supposed to come some time between 8 and 12. He has two more hours to keep his promise!

I did my August spending recap but left the results at work, so I'll post it later. I remember that the total spending was in the neighborhood of $2300. I like to get nearer to $2000, but there were a few medical bills, a few gifts....

I did my ten-items shop at the grocery store -- mistakenly picked up 11 items. I don't have my receipt at home, so let's see if I can remember ...

Kitty litter
Sandwich bags
Ice Cream
Kraft Mac & Cheese

I spent $29 on the above. Most of those items I wanted to have on hand for the grandchildren's visits. I also got free tomatoes and peppers at work from a gardener with too much produce.

I made lasagna this weekend, and cooked a frozen pizza, so I will be eating both of those for lunch and dinner all week. Welcome to Italian week!

I have been told that the plumber will charge $89 just for the visit, and that will not include any charge for the repair. I picked a plumber that advertised experience with vintage plumbing. I hope he will be worth what he costs.

So, with that, I will go back to waiting....

1 Responses to “Waiting”

  1. starfishy Says:

    good luck with the haunted toilet! Smile

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