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Home Again

September 17th, 2013 at 04:36 pm

I'm glad I made the trip -- everyone seemed so pleased that I had made the effort -- but I'm really tired today!

I spent less than expected -- budgeted $70, but spent $36 on gas and $14 on food. So I'm going to recalibrate the budget.

I got home about 10 and went to sleep pretty shortly. So I didn't really miss much sleep. But the trouble with the trip home is that the hard part -- driving through the city -- is at the end of the trip, when I'm already bone-tired!

I missed my free flu shot, and I'm hoping that it will be available on another day.

This weekend I'm looking forward to an excursion to the Art Institute, where I will meet my friend who lives in Hyde Park, and, on Sunday, my youngest grandson's birthday party. This is shaping up to be a busy month.

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