I am the Treasurer for a professional organization I belong to. These past few weeks I've been handling the registration fees for a conference our group is putting on. Yesterday I hit a wall.
A big university wants to send ten staff members, but needed an invoice for their business office. (Most registrations come through PayPal). So I created an invoice -- I understand the demands of a big university. I got a call from them -- neither the name of the organization nor the address on the invoice matched what they had on file. Well, the address changes every time the Treasurer changes -- we have no real address. But the name change was a bigger problem. I was aware that the bank account was under an old name, but everything seemed to be working, so I let things be.
So after work I went to the nearby bank branch, and filled out paperwork to update the name and address. I also made a new invoice with the correct name. I have my fingers crossed. The change won't be official until our President signs off on it -- which won't happen till next week at the conference.
The check will be for more than $1K, which I think is the reason it caught someone's attention.
Having to go to the bank got me on the road pretty late. It was raining, to boot. So the trip home was a traffic nightmare. I didn't get home until 7. I had to stop on the way and get a sandwich -- at least I had a $1 off coupon for Steak N Shake, so that's where I stopped; spent $5.
I didn't do anything I had planned to do in the evening. Just earned my 11 Swagbucks and then went to bed.
I had a UPS notice that my packages were not delivered because they needed permission to leave them in the foyer. Never happened before, but what the heck. I signed the slip, and then left it on my desk this morning! Fooey!
I packed yogurt for lunch today, but have since figured out it is too old, so I'll be throwing it away. I hate to waste food! And now I'll have to buy a lunch. Fooey, again.
It's a rainy, gloomy day, and I'm glad it's Thursday, because Thursday is better than Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday!
Treasurer's Duties
September 19th, 2013 at 02:38 pm
September 19th, 2013 at 09:24 pm 1379622263
September 21st, 2013 at 07:15 pm 1379787318