Home > Another stressful day

Another stressful day

September 24th, 2013 at 06:04 pm

I'm so tired and stressed. My insomnia demon has been visiting in the wee hours of the morning. Today I was finally drifting off when the alarm went off....

I'm also getting ready for our conference -- so many last minute details flying at me! I'm feeling very nervous. I'll be glad when it's done.

I left my ticket on the train again this morning. That's a testament to how tired I am, because I said I WOULD NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! Once again, I was very lucky -- I got it back. I put a business card in the holder in case I ever do it again, so at least someone could contact me if they found it.

After getting my ticket back I caught a later train, but still was not very late to work. And I found a bag of trail mix and a can of cola on the train seat, both unopened in a plastic bag. Someone left their snack behind. I did not bother to turn it into Lost & Found; it would never get back to the original owner anyway.

And in the last couple days I found .15!

Tonight I'm going out to dinner with my Florida son, wife and daughter. My ex and his spouse will be there, too. (It's an okay situation; we are friends, of sorts). We're going to a restaurant called The Farmhouse, which has been getting rave reviews, so I'm excited! (Of course, excited to see the kids, too!) I didn't budget for it, however, so I tweaked the budget, setting aside $85 for dinner tonight and breakfast on Saturday. Hope it's enough. The rest of the budget is now: $40 for groceries, $18 for household supplies, $25 for pet supplies, $11 for parking, $20 for my train day with the grandsons, and $395 for my sister's airline ticket.

That's a low number for groceries, but I seem to have plenty of food on hand, and I'll probably take home a nice doggy bag tonight. And I'll be fed at the conference. We'll see.

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