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The Morning Rush Went Up

October 2nd, 2013 at 02:55 pm

When I pick up a muffin and coffee at Corner Bakery, they list it on the receipt as "Morning Rush." I noticed this morning that it was .10 more.

I don't do it all that often, but I think I will start buying muffins at the grocery. That will be about 1/4 the cost. Don't tell me to bake muffins -- I don't like 'em, and besides, time is at a premium for me. Grocery muffins will be a good compromise. The grocer has an in-house bakery, and they're pretty good.

I had to go the bank yesterday to finish up paperwork and deposit some checks from the conference. The bank is several blocks beyond the train station, so making that walk forced me to take a later train. So with my extra time I also stopped at the post office and bought stamps ($9.20)

I was really hungry before the train came, so I had a quick meal at a pizzeria -- $12. Yes, eating out is eating me alive, in small bites! I do manage to carry my lunch every day, and I get my fair share of free meals from work, etc., so I'm not really complaining. Just observing how hard it is to be frugal when you're away from home for breakfast, lunch AND supper!

I'm making a grocery list for the end of the week. I'm planning to make tomato-pumpkin soup and chicken chili -- time for those yummy autumn recipes! Some of that will go into the freezer for lunches.

Homecoming (at work) is this weekend. I have to work at registration on Friday, but I am not scheduled for anything on Saturday. However, I may bring my grandsons on the train -- that would accomplish my long-promised train day, and we can visit the tents and fun events and then go home when they've had enough. Hopefully, they will both be recovered from their strep throat by then!

4 Responses to “The Morning Rush Went Up”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    Will you share your tomato-pumpkin soup recipe? It sounds divine.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I got it from the Dollar Stretcher.

    Easy Tomato Basil Bisque

    1 can condensed tomato soup
    1/2 cup pureed pumpkin
    1 cup chicken broth
    1/2 cup heavy cream
    1 tsp. dried basil
    1 TBS. honey, or to taste
    salt & pepper to taste

    Combine all ingredients in a heavy saucepan and heat through.

    One of those semi-homemade recipes! It will use up things I have in my pantry. I haven't tried it yet so I don't know how it will taste, but it sounds good, doesn't it?

  3. baselle Says:

    I hear ya with the muffin baking. You bake and you are by yourself so you are eating 6 muffins a day or you are freezing beaucoup muffins wasting storage for actual healthy food. Better to spend some to allow you to eat 1 muffin.

  4. baselle Says:

    Oh yes, and a small Ziploc of almonds (or pretty much any nut you like) helps me to "take the edge off" enough while waiting for transit to get me home without extracuricular eating. You don't need many nuts to do it, they store well in the purse, they are discreet and not smelly.

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