Home > Working This Weekend

Working This Weekend

October 3rd, 2013 at 02:41 pm

It's Homecoming. I should have expected it. I'm scheduled to work at the Information Desk from 9-3 on Friday and Saturday. I hope people will bring me food. I don't worry about bathroom breaks, as the john is nearby, but going from 9 to 3 without eating would be hard. I'll have to make sure I have a big breakfast.

That means I can't bring the grandsons to Homecoming, so maybe I will just do a downtown train trip with them on Sunday. Just go to the downtown station, have lunch in the station's food court, and then go home again.

My son, who works for the Department of Labor, is at home without pay. He is the sole earner for the family. I hope he will let me know if I need to help out with a bill. I'll definitely take some of my soup over this weekend -- if I have time to make it!

Managed to avoid Corner Bakery this morning. I had coffee with cream at home, which helps me with the hungries at the downtown station. And I brought in some oatmeal, which I can cook in the microwave. I also brought my lunch -- the makings of an egg salad sandwich, and applesauce -- but bringing my lunch is nothing new. It's the breakfast challenge that gets me.

2 Responses to “Working This Weekend”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Is there anyway you can take something to snack on so you don't get super hungry waiting for food?

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Didn't really have portable snack food to pack -- I did get a lunch break, though, so got a salad at the cafeteria.

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