It seems like I'm just wracking up the long days right and left.
Last night there was a one-half hour delay on the train home due to a switching problem. Plus, our train was double-loaded because of the backup. People were standing in the aisle. I was awfully glad I wasn't one of them!
I was already hungry, so was famished by the time I got home. Luckily I had the makings for open-faced sandwiches with cheese and veggies, so dinner was quick to make!
Tonight I have to work at the Homecoming information desk until five. I'll duck out a little early so I can catch the 5:15. On Friday nights I don't know if there even IS a 6:15!
Then it's back to work tomorrow for a 9-3 session at the information desk. I'll try to bring food this time; today I didn't, but I did get a break to get a salad at the cafeteria. ($3)
Yesterday was a no-spend day!
I have to do laundry, or at least handwash a bra in order to get dressed tomorrow!
Found a penny this morning. I haven't found much change lately, and soon the snow will cover it all. Too bad -- one of my biggest entertainments!
So Many Long, Late Days
October 4th, 2013 at 06:16 pm
October 4th, 2013 at 07:58 pm 1380913084
October 7th, 2013 at 03:56 pm 1381157794
October 7th, 2013 at 04:47 pm 1381160835
I have to go down to the building's basement to do laundry, and I don't like it either. Installing a washer/dryer in my condo is on my dream list.