Lots of eating out --
I bought pretzels ($4) on the way home Friday night. On Saturday I treated my son and grandsons at a Greek diner ($30). On Sunday I bought a McDonalds lunch and a Dunkin' Donuts dessert for my grandsons ($13). We were at the downtown station -- they finally got their train ride, which was wildly appreciated, especially since we got to ride on the upper level!
I told my son I wanted to stay in my condo for as long as I could, and he understood.
I did some laundry ($1.50), bought some gas ($20). I paid a medical bill ($21). Spent $24 on pet supplies (cat food, cat litter, algae wafers).
I earned $5 more from Swagbucks, and $10 from Discover.
Grocery shopping -- I think I have to change the plan to 11 items. It seems that's what I always get! Anyway, I was born on the 11th, so I've always considered it my lucky number.
Here's what I got:
Spaghetti sauce
Peanut butter
Granola bars
Albacore tuna
Plain yogurt
Ground beef
Poppyseed dressing
Total cost - $33.
Frugal activities:
I rescued the food my grandsons didn't eat at the Greek diner -- two lunches for me!
I split the ground beef I bought into three one-pound sections -- made one section into burgers, cooked one with spaghetti sauce and the other with taco seasoning. Froze them all for another day.
I cleaned the fish tank and used the water I took out on the flowers.
Can't think of anything else, but I felt like I was on my game!
Financial Highlights of the Weekend
October 14th, 2013 at 04:54 pm