Did a little bit of shopping this weekend - nothing big, but funny how the little things add up. I began the weekend spending $4.50 on three loads of laundry. Then went to Home Depot and spent $9 on a freestanding cabinet shelf and some suction cups. The cabinet shelf will allow me to store more mugs. The suctions cups will allow me to hang a stained glass piece on the bathroom window. I also bought two sink stoppers, different sizes, and found out that I need the size in between, which I will have to get online. (For $8, highway robbery! Old sink, odd size.) So the sink stoppers were returned.
On to Target, where I bought sunglasses for $14 - having finally admitted to myself that I will never find that nice pair I bought in Boston! And I bought some little Command hooks to hang my necklaces on my bedroom wall. They get all tangled in my jewelry box, so this will be much better. The hooks were $8. I have many more, should I choose to hang little things all over the place!
I stopped at Aldi to get kitty litter for $5.
Then did my grocery shopping at Jewel, for $32. I'm experiencing "item creep." I can't keep it down to ten any more, probably because my freezer and pantry supplies are starting to diminish. Here's what the $32 bought:
Hamburger buns
French rolls
Sourdough loaf
Sour cream
Sharp cheddar
Head of lettuce
Yellow onion
Plum tomato
4-pack muffins
On Sunday I went to Kohl's with a 30% off coupon. I was looking for bras and I found two on the clearance rack. Wasn't easy I'll tell you! There were only two my size, and it turned out that one wasn't even on sale - evidently it was placed on the clearance rack by mistake. Should have checked that before buying, but I'm not going to bother to return. It was still a good price, especially with the discount. I spent $24 on the two bras. I also bought some clothes for my granddaughter's birthday - a dress, a T-shirt, and pants for $18.
I went to my son's house for dinner last night, and I took them the spaghetti sauce with ground beef I had been thawing for my own dinner. They can use it later in the week. I've had a lot of meals there recently and felt the need to share! They served "taco pie" - ironically, taco meat was the other item I was thawing for myself. Oh well, I really like Mexican food; I don't mind having it again.
I found .15! Four pennies in a parking lot, one at the grocery, and a dime at the station!
My boss started a two-week leave of absence today; she needs to get her mother into an assisted living setup. It may sound nice to be boss-less for two weeks, but I have a fear that a lot of things will fall on me that would otherwise fall on her. We'll see. I'm braced for impact!
A Bit of Shopping
October 21st, 2013 at 03:38 pm