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A No-Spender, and Other Stuff

October 22nd, 2013 at 02:26 pm

Yesterday was a another no-spend day. I'm doing a good job of avoiding the fast food at the station. Bringing my own muffin every morning helps. Also, I try to eat a snack before I leave work for the day so I don't arrive at the station starved and vulnerable. And I make myself just walk directly from one train to another, even though I have to sit in an empty train for a while. As long as I have a good book to read, I'm okay.

It turned cold(er) this morning; I wore a hat and gloves, though I noticed most others did not. They must be of hardier stock. At least it is warmer indoors now, both at home and work. The boilers are officially on! I hate those days when it's cold outside, but there's no heat inside because it's not yet "time" to turn it on. BRRrrrr.

The College is sifting through ideas on saving money. The faculty had their own closed meeting yesterday afternoon. I'd love to know what was said. There are all kinds of rumors floating around -- they will tamper with medical insurance, they will tamper with retirement contributions, blah, blah, blah. I'll be curious to hear what the real considerations are. There is another town hall meeting tomorrow, but we won't know anything for sure until the trustees meet at the end of the month.

I would feel more nervous if I weren't so close to retirement, but I feel I can probably weather anything that's thrown at me now.

2 Responses to “A No-Spender, and Other Stuff”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Great job avoiding the food along the way to and from work. I think that will make a big difference for you financially.

  2. Petunia 100 Says:

    Are you having any protein in the morning? Your muscles need their fuel for that walk, and if they aren't getting it, you will feel hungry. Have an egg, some cheese, or some nuts.

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