I drove to work yesterday, as planned, and dropped my car off at the auto clinic for an oil change. It was a short walk to work -- just a little farther than it is from the train station. After work I picked it up - $25. The I went to Great Clips and got my hair cut for $12 and paid a tip of $3. I had a different stylist -- now I know there are three I like at that location. (If the other two are still there -- I know how they move around!)
Then I went to Goodwill. I must have spent at least an hour there (being in no hurry -- the later the better when you're driving in Chicago traffic). I spent $21 in total. I bought some ultra cheap Halloween decorations -- a two-sided poster for the window, some garlands, a pumpkin candle, a couple of treat bags and spooky tumblers for my grandsons. Then it was on to the clothing. I found the main item I was looking for -- a pair of corduroy pants. I looked at the sweaters, and didn't find one, but I did find a Talbots turtleneck and a classy sweatshirt that will nicely bridge the gap between cleaned-up and dressed-down. I found a beautiful little pottery bowl which will go in the gift stash, and -- the buy that really excited me -- a wonderful, unusual Santa for my collection. Hand-carved and wearing green instead of red. Love it!
Then I filled up my tank, successfully picking the cheapest place in town - $3.33 a gallon - $36 total. And then, because it was 7:35 and I was hungry, I stopped at McDonalds and got dinner for $4.
'Twas a happy day! I was so pumped, I had the energy to empty and refill my dishwasher when I got home -- a chore that has stumped me all week!
Tomorrow I am going to breakfast with the fam at my ex's house -- his sister is visiting; she was a college friend. And the grandsons are sleeping over Saturday night. So in between I have to fit in grocery shopping and laundry. But as I said, I love getting stuff done.
I love getting stuff done!
October 25th, 2013 at 04:04 pm