Home > My New Shirt

My New Shirt

May 21st, 2014 at 02:37 pm

Well, yesterday I averted disaster (i.e. going to meetings in a stinky sweater!) The first morning meeting I did by phone; the second one I skipped (optional). At noon I went out and bought a new top and then went to my two afternoon meetings.

I went to Kohl's -- and kicked myself for not having my Kohl's $10 gift card in my purse! The shirt I bought was $26. I did check the 60-70% off clearance racks, but there was nothing suitable in my size, so I just decided to go for something I liked and that I would wear a lot. So I bought a navy camp shirt with a little bird print in apricot and teal -- very cute.

I almost ALWAYS buy secondhand so retail prices are shocking to me! The $26 shirt was marked down from $36 but still way more than I ever pay.

I also stopped at Barnes & Noble on the way home to order the books -- found out they couldn't order 20 copies, so I went home and ordered on Amazon instead. There was no shipping charge, so it will work out. The only bad thing is they will be delivered to my home and then I'll have to get them to the workshop by myself. Oh well. I have a little dolly that will help.

Sometime back I mentioned that my immediate boss was interviewing for a position at a big museum in the city. She is still on track for getting that job, though they haven't completed the process. She says she will hire me if she gets it. I don't know if this will really come to pass, but it would be a godsend. I would have to put in a few more years of work, but it would certainly make my eventual retirement easier, and the commute would be much better. But as I say, everything is nebulous right now.

9 Responses to “My New Shirt”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I didn't realize that your boss's new job could mean a change for you. That does sound like some positives. Fingers crossed for you!

  2. Sandra Mercier Says:

    Hope everything will be good for you!

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Wow! Cool news about the boss. That would change things, wouldn't it?

  4. CB in the City Says:

    It would. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much, however. Even if she gets the job, in reality it may not work out for her to bring someone from her old shop. I appreciate her vote of confidence, though!

  5. SecretarySaving Says:

    Shirt sounds pretty. Do you use Ebates? On Ebates, Barnes and Noble offers 1% back and Amazon up to 3%.

  6. Kiki Says:

    Great about the new potential. Always nice to be wanted by your supervisor.

  7. Looking Forward Says:

    If you wanted to tackle the hassle of it - I bet you could go back to Kohl's later with your reciept and the GC and have it applied and the $10 refunded to you.

  8. CB in the City Says:

    That's a good idea, but I won't be back in my work town until after the coupon expires. It wouldn't be worth the trip.

    I guess I'll do my usual and go get socks!

    SS, I wasn't buying the books for myself -- they came out of my professional organization's budget, so I didn't want to use my own rewards.

  9. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Does Kohl's honor expired coupons like Bed Bath and Beyond? It might not hurt calling to find out. Smile

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