Wow! Two dollar bills in the Walgreen's drive-thru. That gave me a lift this morning!
But I had such a downer of an evening last night. My DIL's mother called me, needing a friend. I went over there, and she spilled all her misery. She moved to our suburb about six months ago after a lifetime in a small town in Indiana. She is desperately lonely and disoriented. Of course, having never moved, she didn't know how hard it is to adjust to a new area, so she blames herself. Her wrought-up emotions spurred an argument with her daughter, which was why she was so distraught last night.
I advised her to find some volunteer work, find a small church (she hates the big ones), and also talk to her doctor about anti-depressants. She is clearly very depressed. But most of all she needs to begin to build a social circle and just give it time.
It made me realize how lucky I am to be so adaptable. I moved around all my life, so it is no surprise to me that it takes time to be part of a new community. And I am able to see the adventure in it, while for her, it is just scary. I hope and pray she comes around.
Anyway, that's how my evening was spent. I didn't even have dinner. I got to bed late, didn't sleep well, and now I'm dog-tired today. But I hope she is feeling somewhat better.
I guess the "crying office" travels with me!
In financial news, I went to a new nail shop at noon yesterday and got a really nice mani-pedi for $30, as well as a $10 gift certificate because it was my birthday month!
I need to spend tonight and tomorrow night getting ready for my trip to Michigan; time is running out fast and everything is generally in a mess right now!
Found $2!
August 6th, 2014 at 02:49 pm
August 6th, 2014 at 04:09 pm 1407337786
August 7th, 2014 at 02:44 am 1407375873
August 10th, 2014 at 03:44 am 1407638654
August 13th, 2014 at 02:11 pm 1407935495