I have a pile of mail on my desk at home that I haven't been able to get to. I have just been too tired at night to deal with anything besides eating dinner and going to bed. So there it sits.
I meant to grab it this morning, so I could open it during slow times at work, but I forgot.
I am hoping that within that pile is my new Citi card, and a $100 bonus check from Capital One. I MUST open my mail tonight, before I get on the road tomorrow for a weekend getaway.
Aside from the Citi card, I also signed up with my current Discover card to try to charge $2000 per month for five months for a $400 bonus. I don't know if I can do it, but there is no penalty for trying. Just have to make sure I don't do unnecessary spending to make the goal, but I'm not too worried about that -- I'm a pretty cautious spender. I thought it might be a good opportunity to get some big-ticket expenses out of the way. We'll see how it goes.
I have scored some free food lately -- garden tomatoes and protein bars from people at work. Yay! I'm also getting all kinds of birthday offers in my email from restaurants, etc. Tempting, but I would have to find someone to eat with me. I wouldn't feel right about going alone and ordering a free entree, for instance. So the offers are not so much of a deal for me. I have to look through them again, though. I think there are several offers for free ice cream, free muffins, etc. Not so good for my diet. There's always a catch!
I can hardly wait for my weekend! I'll be at my brother's house in Michigan again, along with my son's family. We are planning to boat on the lake and swim in the pool. I will go to a painting class with my SIL. My brother called and asked what kind of cake I like, so I know there will be some kind of food celebration! Then on Monday I'll visit my old college and a former professor who was very influential in my life. All very exciting stuff! And none of it should be too expensive.
What's in the Mail?
August 7th, 2014 at 02:34 pm
August 7th, 2014 at 03:39 pm 1407422358
Sounds like a great weekend planned.
I, too, am still waiting on the Citi card.
August 7th, 2014 at 03:52 pm 1407423173
p.s. Love Martha Grimes--friend of my ex office mate!
August 7th, 2014 at 03:57 pm 1407423435
MEC - Really? I'm always so interested in authors as "real people!" My BFF is a cousin of Tamara Myers, another mystery writer. I've met her, and she was really interesting and a lot of fun.
August 10th, 2014 at 03:51 am 1407639091