Home > Crazy Evening

Crazy Evening

August 26th, 2014 at 03:03 pm

Yesterday afternoon I caught the train to the city at the usual time, heading home, I thought. Actually, it was later than the usual time, because the train was already behind schedule, lagging behind a freight train that was going SLOWER and SLOWER.

I was sitting on the train reading, when I realized it had been stopped for a while. And then came the announcement. It was stopped for good. The freight train had broken down, and my train was stuck behind it. We sat there for 30-40 minutes with no word on what they're doing to get us out of this situation.

Oh, and let me just say, we were stopped at an area where you did not want to get out. It was not safe.

Finally, they told us that if we walked back to the last car, we could get out on the platform and catch a train back in the direction we came from. So I did. I went back to station where I'd boarded, and as I was entering the station, I heard the announcement that the next train to the city was cancelled. Well, of course, the track is blocked!

So I found a taxi. I asked how much it would cost to go to my suburb and he quoted $60. I didn't see any other way, so I said okay. When we got closer to my suburb, I called my son to see if he could pick me up on the way. He was free, so the taxi driver dropped me off at a KFC and my son came and got me. The fare, with tip, was $46. I gave my son $10 for gas, so I guess I didn't come out ahead! Especially since I also spent $4 at the KFC, so that was exactly $60!

This all took a long time. I didn't get home till around 8, and I left work at 3:45!

And then I was so overstimulated, I could hardly sleep at all, and I am dragging now!

Just so glad my financial situation is so much more stable than it used to be, so that $60 for an emergency ride home is just a blip and not a disaster!

I did get back on the train this morning, and obviously the track was clear. I looked online to find news about the incident but could find no word about what happened to the people who chose to stay on the train. Maybe they got home sooner than I, with no money out, but I didn't like being trapped with no knowledge of what was to happen. So I'm glad I did what I did and I'm glad it's over!

6 Responses to “Crazy Evening”

  1. Another Reader Says:

    In your shoes, I might reconsider taking the train. How much more would it cost you to drive and park? The convenience and less wear and tear on the knee would probably convince me to make the switch if the cost difference was not that large. It's not like you will do this for many years to come, your second retirement is not very far away.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    The difference in cost is not great, though it depends on the price of gas. The trouble with driving is that the traffic is always bad, and it can be very stressful. At least when the train works, it works very well!

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Yuck--what a night.
    Glad you at least had a book.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry for that experience for you, but glad you are safe and you had the money to make the choice to either stay or go.

  5. snafu Says:

    Kudos to you for managing the entire process so well. Best was your statement that because you are in charge of your money, the emergency was a blip rather than a disaster. I'd had a similar situation in a subway station but the authorities insisted the cars be emptied. We all went upstairs and discovered it was pouring rain! It took TTC 3 hours to get enough buses to load all the passengers by district. At least rush hour was over by the time we got rolling. We got to our suburban stn. parking lots to drive home soaking wet due to the transition line ups for the buses.

  6. CB in the City Says:

    Snafu, sounds like an awful night. I heard from the conductor that the train in question started moving about 2 1/2 hours later.

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