This morning I noticed that the freezer door (on the top of my refrigerator) was cracked open. I looked in and felt around, and a lot of stuff was clearly thawed. There was "soup" on the bottom of the freezer that was probably sherbet. The pizza was soft.
I didn't have time to deal with it this morning, so I just closed the freezer door.
What do you think, is everything a loss? I had a lot of bread in there, which will be okay. Clearly the pizza, sherbet and frozen yogurt have to go. What about the meat and vegetables? I just read an article that indicates it is okay to refreeze meat. I don't want to make myself sick, though.
Speaking of being sick, I spent most of yesterday in the hospital emergency room. Turns out it was virtually nothing. I had what felt like a gall bladder attack, and I was starting to black out in my office. My colleagues called an ambulance. Even by the time they were wheeling me into the hospital I was feeling better, but they had to do their tests. They gave me two EKG's, two ultrasounds, and drew blood twice. In the end, nothing appeared to be wrong. The doctor said it might have been a spasm of the gall bladder.
So, I guess that's good news, but it was a wasted afternoon, and it cost me a $100 co-pay. And who knows what else I'll have to pay when it all gets sorted out. I'm pretty sure I haven't met my deductible.
So I'm scratching my head, thinking -- yes, I need to charge $2000 to my Discover card this month, but did the powers-that-be have to help out by emptying my freezer and sending me to the hospital?
Relying on Your Expertise!
September 3rd, 2014 at 01:51 pm
September 3rd, 2014 at 01:55 pm 1409748936
September 3rd, 2014 at 01:55 pm 1409748937
Considering that the sherbert was completely thawed, I think that says how warm it was getting in your freezer. I think I would toss the meat in that case, unless it still feels frozen when you return home, then I might risk it.
September 3rd, 2014 at 03:21 pm 1409754077
I'm assuming that you are even asking about refreezing because you found the items other than the sherbet still cold. Who knows what the melting point of sherbet is. If they were still cold, I personally would feel fine about refreezing the meat. Did you have time to check if there were still actually ice crystals in the meat? I can't tell you how many times I have bought "fresh" chicken that clearly was thawed before setting it in the store refrigerator display. Then what did I do but go home and portion it up to re-freeze at home? The double freeze probably breaks more muscle fibers, tenderizing the meat, so it may have a different texture when cooked.
September 3rd, 2014 at 04:17 pm 1409757478
I can't be of much help with the food, but I'd feel fine refreezing it so long as it'd didn't smell bad or wasn't completely thawed.
September 3rd, 2014 at 04:49 pm 1409759370
Joan, I was instructed to follow up with my doctor and get a stress test. Sigh. Something else to do.
September 3rd, 2014 at 05:02 pm 1409760144
September 3rd, 2014 at 05:31 pm 1409761861
September 3rd, 2014 at 09:02 pm 1409774528
As far as the food is what they say.
September 3rd, 2014 at 09:03 pm 1409774636
September 4th, 2014 at 01:32 pm 1409833965
September 5th, 2014 at 02:29 pm 1409923758