Home > Found .83!

Found .83!

September 11th, 2014 at 03:33 pm

Yes, I took my car to a local car wash and found .83 in coins around the vacuum. The cost of the vacuum was $1, so in essence I only paid .17!

I also went to a different Home Depot and finally got my shade. Interestingly enough, I paid only $37, about $4 less than what I paid at the other store. And it wasn't a tax difference. If anything, the tax is higher in Chicago, which is where this store was located.

I am still not out of the fast-food funk, though. I spent another $8 on dinner and breakfast. So tired, so hungry, so disorganized! I am still managing to brown bag my lunches, though.

I spent around $380 on airline tickets yesterday. However, I cancelled one this morning (wrong airport) and will make another reservation later today, so that total will change. This is for my trip in which I will drive my cousin and sister from North Carolina to Florida. I'll be flying out there to pick them up and then will fly home from Florida. My cousin cannot drive for medical reasons, and my sister shouldn't drive for dysfunctional reasons! This will be an opportunity to have a good visit with them and to also see my son in Florida. Also, I am hoping that my cousin will let me charge a lot of the road trip expenses on my Discover card and then pay me back! This won't happen till December.

I just found a deal to take the family to Medieval Times, and I'm waiting to hear if the expiration date on the tickets will be a problem. My grandsons are fascinated with knights and falconry right now, so this would be a great gift for them. They both have birthdays this fall. The tickets are good through November 15, but my son's family has such a busy schedule I have to check with them before I can make a commitment! Hope we can do it; I think it would be a blast!

2 Responses to “Found .83!”

  1. alice4now Says:

    I've been wanting to go to Medieval Times myself, it seems like a silly, fun thing to do with the family.

  2. My English Castle Says:

    We went to a falconry show in England about five years ago--and we're still talking about it. How fun!

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