I bought a muffin and coffee at the station this morning. I'm going to have to bake something this weekend to stave off this habit. I have to say it does really help me get through the morning!
I was just settling down to listen to "W is for Wasted" last night, when my son came to my condo. It was my grandson's birthday, and I had ignored a call and a text! In my defense, the birthday party is scheduled for this Saturday, so I just didn't have it in my head that yesterday was his birthday. And I had the volume on the phone turned all the way down, so I didn't hear the messages come in. My son wanted to make sure I was all right and wanted me to come over for the pizza and birthday cake made for the "real" day.
I'm going to have to get better about remembering dates.
I had also started baking a meatloaf, which I took out of the oven and put in the fridge. I'll cook it the rest of the way tonight. I hope it will be all right!
The university job was finally posted yesterday, and the director sent me an email to alert me to it. That was so nice of her. So today I'll work on my cover letter and aim to get the application in tomorrow. I really hate doing that kind of stuff, and here I thought I would never have to do it again! But this job is good enough that it's worth trying for.
Forgetful Grandma
September 25th, 2014 at 02:10 pm
September 26th, 2014 at 12:24 am 1411687485
September 26th, 2014 at 02:11 pm 1411737081
September 27th, 2014 at 08:41 pm 1411846912