So on Friday evening I went to the nearest Cracker Barrel -- in Aurora! (And it doesn't look at all like Wayne & Garth's hometown!) Unfortunately I got stuck in construction traffic, but once I got there, I had a nice quiet dinner. I mentioned to the waitress that I missed the senior menu, and she said I could order from the kids' menu -- it was pretty much the same! I had chicken tenderloins, biscuits, stewed apples and a sweet potato. All for $8.
Then I filled up with gas -- $37 -- and went home. Aside from $6 for laundry, that was all the spending I did all weekend.
I went to the library and checked out "W is for Wasted" (and I've finished it already). I saw that they also had the new book by Arnaldur Indridason, who does an Icelandic mystery series that I love, so I got that, too.
Saturday's birthday party for my grandson was a success. It was a beautiful day, and we gathered in a park beside the lake. There were children from his pre-school class (and parents) as well as family. The kids played games and the grownups chatted. Only two glitches -- the bees! And at the end of the day, one of the mothers had a drained battery, so we had to scurry around to get jumpers and get her back on the road.
On Sunday I did laundry, cooking, and housework. I washed my comforter successfully in the building's standard-size units, just had to spread it out, still damp, on my kitchen table. Cooking entailed making chicken medallions and mashed potatoes, chicken hot-and-sour soup, frying off a pound of bacon, and baking a cranberry nut loaf. Housework included cleaning the aquarium and cleaning the window shelves in my kitchen, which have been catching grease for a year! Nice to see them sparkle.
What I did NOT do -- write my cover letter. Can you say PRO-CRA-STI-NA-TION? Ugh. I must get on it.
It's another lovely day, but I hear changes are in store. I'll be glad my comforter is ready to put on the bed!
A Busy Weekend
September 29th, 2014 at 03:25 pm
October 3rd, 2014 at 03:48 am 1412304499