Home > Discover Bonus/Citi Bonus

Discover Bonus/Citi Bonus

October 10th, 2014 at 02:59 pm

My work toward the Discover bonus is already done this month. When I dropped off the car yesterday morning, I asked them to investigate the sticking lock on the driver's door, and to fix if they could. They did, and it added another $300 to the bill. All together, with taxes added on, the car repairs cost $1908.

So, December spending quota -- done! And my car is in tip-top shape now.

I realized the other day that I still have the Citi card bonus to work on, and that I need to spend $790 in this last month to get the $100 bonus for that. (Duh!) So I'm switching to Citi for normal expenses, and I may use it to buy a new mattress/box spring. I also need to ship a carseat to my son in Florida (long story) and that will probably be a bit pricey.

My couch will be picked up (to get recovered) on the 18th, but I'm not sure if I will need to pay at that time. Probably not until it is finished, which will be in early November.

I will also have some costs for transporting my new dining room set. I will be using brother express, but I will be paying his gas and any related expenses that come up.

Also in November, I'm getting a crown on one of my molars. That will be about $400 after dental insurance kicks in. November will bring Christmas expenses, Thanksgiving travel, and Black Friday (I'm going to try to snag a TV this year, but only if I find a great deal.)

Before the Discover challenge ends, I want to get a washer/dryer installed. That might be a December or January project.

It will be both weird and a relief to go back to frugality in February. Right now that seems a long way off, but it will go quickly.

In other news, my cousin sent me a check for $431, paying for the airline travel associated with getting her to Florida. I thought she would only pay a portion, so this was a nice surprise.

6 Responses to “Discover Bonus/Citi Bonus”

  1. Carol Says:

    I am excited for you to have your own washer/ dryer again. I still remember how excited I was when I first got one in our first apartment.
    I haven't bought a new car seat in a long time--is it cheaper to send one or to send a check for a new one?

  2. Bluebird Says:

    Wow, you're getting things done! When February rolls around and you're in frugal mode, you'll be enjoying your couch, washer/dryer, dining room set...sounds great! Smile

  3. CB in the City Says:

    They really want this particular car seat (formerly used by my grandson), because their daughter was so comfortable in it, so I'm just going to send it. I'll check it out first, though, to make sure it hasn't been recalled or something.

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    How is working on your car now counting towards December's bill?

  5. CB in the City Says:

    Oops I meant October!

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    @CB Smile Ok, that makes more sense. Big Grin

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