The tire repair was $212, including the mount and balance. I don't think I got any bargain, but I do have BIG tires, so I knew it wouldn't be cheap.
I got to talking about grocery shopping with the auto shop dealer, and he sent me a link to something called Instashop. It's a grocery delivery service like Peapod, but with only a $3 delivery charge, and it's local. He also sent me a link to get $10 off my first order. I actually like to go to the grocery store, but I might check it out in order to get the $10 off.
This morning I bought breakfast at Corner Bakery ($4). I didn't really have anything to pop in my bag, though I did pack lunch.
My financial tasks today are to send my check for the dining room furniture to my brother's MIL, and to buy quarters at the bank. I'm clean out, and the laundry is still piled up.
Tomorrow is payday. I will have to take money from the slush fund to pay my Discover bill. I was hoping the big car repair bill would cycle over to next month. I suppose it doesn't matter. Money spent is money spent.
Speaking of money, I'll be mattress shopping this weekend. I'm investigating whether I can get a Holder mattress, which is an Indiana company. My Holder was the best mattress I ever had. But if I have to haul it myself from Kokomo (the nearest factory) it would be too expensive. I don't think they sell in any stores except their own, but we'll see. I have sent an email to their customer service department.
Tuesday Ramblings
October 14th, 2014 at 03:00 pm