Home > This and That

This and That

October 22nd, 2014 at 12:59 pm

I'm wearing another of my $1 Goodwill purchases -- this one an argyle sweater. Totally pleased with the way it looks and feels!

I did laundry last night ($1.50). I'm gradually switching from doing all my laundry on weekends to doing laundry when I have a full load. I think it will save overall.

I did not try on the suit that I'm hoping to wear for the interview. I don't know whether it truly slipped my mind, or if I am avoiding the issue. I do have a feeling I'll be shopping for a suit this weekend.

I bought caramel corn in the station last night ($4). This is truly my new vice. At least I get the kind with the nuts so it has some nutrition.

I cooked two pounds of sausage links in the oven, so I will have those for mobile breakfasts. If I combine them with Grands biscuits they will make a good breakfast sandwich.

Last week I bought a couple of boxes of Keurig cups that were on the clearance shelves. I had a nice surprise this morning when I tried one -- it is actually more of a cappuccino than coffee, and very tasty! I've never had a Keurig before that includes the creamer.

Soon it will be time to buy my train pass. However, I think I will wait till the last day. I would prefer for it to post in November. That will probably mean waiting in a line, as there are many who wait till the last day! Probably not because they are managing their credit card bonuses, either!

5 Responses to “This and That”

  1. Wife of the Deacon Says:

    Hi CB! Do you want the stickers from Jewel? I think you collecting them for pots and I have five I won't be using. Let me know!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    I do! Can you drop them in the mail? If you can respond to this offline, I'll give you my address. Thanks, Laura!

  3. Wife of the Deacon Says:

    Check your work email. Just send one. Smile

  4. Bluebird Says:

    Maybe you can wear the contrasting pants and jacket you mentioned in your earlier post. I'm sure it would look great. I wouldn't think anything of it if I was interviewing someone who wore that.

  5. CB in the City Says:

    I only hesitate because it seems like such a corporate atmosphere. At my current place of employment, dress is pretty casual.

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