After adding in this month's Discover Cashback Bonus, I exceeded $1000 in snowflakes! Woo hoo! Last year I logged about $800, and the year before, $500, so I am working my way up every year! I haven't checked to see if my Citi bonus is there -- that will bump it up!
I mailed my granddaughter's birthday gift yesterday - $16 postage. I had a new shrink-wrapped package of play food I bought at a garage sale, and to that I added a pair of pj's (also new, also from garage sale), a skirt and top (truly new, a Kohl's deal), and three pairs of tights (new, from Goodwill). I think it made a nice assortment for not a lot of money.
My grandson's birthday party is this weekend. My big gift was the Medieval Times trip, but I have little gifts to open, too. Some "doodle" books, a card game, a key chain and a special Christmas ornament. I'm going to suppress the urge to get something else. I know that others will give him "big" gifts, which will make mine look puny, but as I said, my big gift was already given.
I bought breakfast today at the station - $4.
I am thinking of getting a Bose system. I have been without any musical player/radio for a long time now. I see that Bose has a player that also attaches to a smartphone, which seems like a smart option to me. I have really missed my music and would like to play my CD's again. And I like the idea of something very small but with good sound. Still thinking...
I'm also turning over the idea of getting a new TV. My current one is a tube TV (perhaps the last one in the universe?). It still works. But I don't know how long it will last, and I've been thinking I should probably upgrade to a flat screen while I have the money. It won't be an option after retirement. And I do love my movies.
Both of these things have come to mind after I let go of the idea of a washer/dryer. But I'm not ready to pull the trigger yet!
Snowflakes surpass $1000!
November 13th, 2014 at 02:08 pm
November 13th, 2014 at 02:26 pm 1415888790
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November 13th, 2014 at 07:08 pm 1415905719
November 13th, 2014 at 07:44 pm 1415907844