Yesterday I charged more than $250 at Target, planning to use my Discover card. When I checked out, I agree to apply for the Target card, but I was firm that I wanted to charge this order on Discover. My card was denied! Turns out Discover had triggered a fraud alert, apparently because it was so out of character for me to spend that much at Target!
I had this happen before in Florida, but never so close to home.
Unfortunately, I didn't realize at the time it was Discover's fault, thinking that Target had messed up somehow because of my Target card application, so I didn't know till I got home and looked at my email that Discover had blocked my card. So $250 that could have gone toward the bonus went to Target instead! I was steamed. I talked to a service rep, but there was nothing they could do.
At least now I know to call Discover immediately, if this happens again.
My purchases at Target, besides groceries, were a set of sheets, a coffeemaker, and a suitcase. The suitcase matches the one I have, only bigger, and it was on my wish list. I was delighted to find it on clearance. So I guess it wasn't a totally bad day, after all!
Oy! Awful financial day!
January 18th, 2015 at 06:44 pm
January 18th, 2015 at 07:34 pm 1421609699
January 18th, 2015 at 08:04 pm 1421611442
January 18th, 2015 at 09:46 pm 1421617592
We were at Kohls after Christmas and I wanted a new pair of sale and I had one of those % off coupons. I ran my Discover card and the reader said it wasn't acceptable. The clerk did the same thing at the cash register and she said it was denied. This really irked me because I have like a $12,000 limit on it and I rarely spend over $1000 in one month. So, I wrote a check and came home and called Discover. It seems it wasn't a problem with my credit card, but apparently the clerk. The card had never been run through anything...the clerk didn't want to try anything. I do believe she had been partying a little much the night before and looked pretty hung over.