Racked up another no-spend day. I've used 70% of my variables budget, with only a week to go, but this weekend, with a house guest, will probably put me over. We'll see. It's supposed to rain all day Saturday, so we won't go downtown for sure. That's a big savings right there! May do dinner and a movie.
The cold continues. There were frost warnings last night, but still no heat in the condo. I was pretty warm in bed, though. I set up my little heater, put on an extra blanket and wore a sweatshirt over my pj's. The only critters who are staying warm are the fish, who have their own heater!
Speaking of the fish, I did lose my angelfish who had the swim bladder problem. The one with a fungus still survives. I wish I could help, but three doses of the recommended treatment have done nothing.
I got free hot chocolate on the way to work this morning. Something about commuters' day. I am always glad for any freebie, but it was especially welcome this cold morning!
No spender!
April 23rd, 2015 at 02:01 pm
April 23rd, 2015 at 04:24 pm 1429802694