Home > The Weekend

The Weekend

April 27th, 2015 at 02:06 pm

Well, it was kind of a wild and woolly weekend. It started out yucky. My BFF couldn't come on Saturday; it was a cold and rainy day; and then the kicker. Someone had broken into my car! Nothing was stolen -- I didn't have anything worth stealing -- but someone had pulled everything out of the glove box and all the pockets and compartments within the car and tossed them around. Then they left the door cracked open so the battery was drained. (I don't know how they got in; I always lock up, and no window was broken.)

I called my son who came quickly and tried to jump it, but it appeared the battery was dead. So I called AAA and they came about an hour later. They jumped it, and it took. The mechanic said the battery was fine; just needed charging. So I drove around for about an hour, listening to the rest of my audiobook. I also drove through at Steak N Shake, where I spent $5.

When I was satisfied it had been charged long enough, I went to the grocery store and spent $42. My ten items: Cat food, honey, ammonia, dishwasher detergent, granola bars, Greek yogurt, creamer, frozen pizza, bagged salad, and wine. Five items were on sale and I had one coupon; saved $5.98.

My menu this week:

Cobb Salad
Broccoli Cheese Soup
Tuna Salad Sandwich
Mac & Cheese
Scrambled Eggs w/peppers & onions
Applesauce Pancakes

I tried to turn in my $5 winning Monopoly board but the clerk pointed out I had duplicated one piece and thus was still missing one. Pooey! I removed the $5 from my snowflakes.

However, I got a new piece that was an instant win for a can of tuna, so I will log that when I buy it next week.

Okay, back to the weekend.

My BFF did come on Sunday morning. We went out to lunch ($17) and then we went to a Goodwill in a ritzy neighborhood, where I spent $2 on another Scrabble Jr., $2 on a trinket box to use as a gift, and $13 on clothes for my granddaughter.

I filled up the tank for $31.

We planned to go out for dinner, too, but the restaurant was too crowded, so we went home and had pizza and salad. (And yes, there is still plenty left over to count pizza and salad as meals on my menu.)

This morning I left for work, and she is probably on her way home now. We had a great time, even though it was very short. That will change after I retire.

I've spent 87% of my variables budget. I'm pleased that I am still under! With only a few days left in the month, I should make it.

Oh, and I found .21 this weekend!

3 Responses to “The Weekend”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    I'm so sorry to hear about your car. Glad nothing was taken, but it's unsettling, isn't it? Sounds like BFF time will be a major advantage of retiring.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Yes. I know what people mean when they say they feel violated by a break-in. Even on this small scale, it's disturbing.

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Ugh! That is too bad about the car break-in. I've had my car broken into (Honda, not current car) at least 5 times - twice had stuff stolen, once was just a broken window (just ...) It sure doesn't feel good. Frown

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