Home > Made the $70 Milestone

Made the $70 Milestone

September 23rd, 2015 at 01:47 pm

On my found money, that is. I found a dime in the laundry room yesterday. I wonder how long it will take to get to $100?

Yesterday was a pretty quiet day. Aside from doing a load of laundry, I didn't do much. I intended to get back to my novel, but instead I opened up a kind of stream-of-consciousness document I wrote once about riding on the train. It needed a lot of editing and I decided to practice a bit on that, before diving back into the novel.

I did watch "Saving Mr. Banks," which was interesting. Emma Thompson was a hoot. I also watched the first episode of "Blind Spot."

Today I think I'll get out and get my flu shot, and get my battery replaced on my watch. I need to get these little things done, before they pile up and it just seems like too much to do!

Yesterday I walked to the post office to mail a birthday card. I need to walk today, too, to take advantage of this wonderful weather.

Today's menu:

Breakfast: English muffin
Lunch: Olive-nut sandwich, green beans
Dinner: Rice pancakes, stewed apple

5 Responses to “Made the $70 Milestone”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    I totally know what you're talking about with trying to stay on top of the little things - battle of my life!

  2. PatientSaver Says:

    talk about "found" that i'm getting all my mother's junk mail, I see she made many small contributions to various pitches.

    One of these groups actually sent her a small check for $2.50 in a kind of reverse psychology to get her to contribute more. I guess they were counting on her not cashing the check, but hey, I did. Unbelievably, they sent a second mailing that I got the other day and they enclosed another check for $2.50. I'm not going to turn down money if it's offered. My mother couldn't afford to contribute in the first place, so I consider this a refund.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    PS, that's an interesting fundraising tactic. I would cash the check, too, so I have my doubts that it's very effective!

    I would have counted the check in my snowflakes, but my "found" money is strictly cash that I pick up off the street. I track it just to know!

  4. PNW Mom Says:

    I am amazed at all of the spare change you find! I never find any! It really adds up doesn't it?

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That's an impressive amount of found money!

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