Well, I have to get some work done today, I didn't do it yesterday. But I did get a bunch of little things done and out of my way. I mailed my granddaughter's birthday present ($10) and I deposited some checks for the board. Then I went to the drugstore and bought some insoles for plantar fasciitis. ($11) My foot is getting no better. I hope these will at least make the heel pain more bearable. I also stopped at the library and picked up a book, Sense & Sensibility by Joanna Trollope, her modern take on the classic. All of this had to be done on foot, so it took some time.
So today I can't procrastinate any more; I have to get some work done. What is making me drag my feet is having to work on an unfamiliar laptop and having to learn to use some unfamiliar web-based services. I just have to plough through and do it. After all, I have to actually go to work tomorrow!
I looked at train & bus routes again. I was sure there was a bus that went straight to the museum. I was right -- it runs on weekends! So I'll be taking the same basic route, but I'm going to try a different bus that will take me to the same stop. Maybe it will be less crowded. I'm also going to transfer trains earlier in the route, in hopes of getting a seat.
This really, really, has to be the last time, doesn't it?
Tomorrow my boss and her boss are treating me to lunch. It will be a lunch meeting, to touch base on how the projects are going. But I'm super glad to be getting anything free!
My variables spending is now at 32%. With the month 33% gone, that's perfect! But I still have the cat adoption fee coming up, and Thanksgiving travels. My son's birthday -- and then Christmas right on its heels! It's amazing how time is flying.
Need to Get to Work
November 10th, 2015 at 02:09 pm
November 11th, 2015 at 12:19 am 1447201189
The best thing to do is really stretch out the calf muscles as often and as much as you can. One of the best ways is to stand on a stair facing the up direction and let your ankles and feet slowly lower toward the ground. Just hang there a few times a day.
Also, can you roll a frozen water bottle under your foot? Or a tennis ball to help stretch out the foot tendons and ligaments? Helps tremendously.
By really focusing on my stretching I have been able to stop the PF from reoccurring. It took me a year to find relief but the stretching really helps it!
November 11th, 2015 at 03:58 am 1447214317
November 14th, 2015 at 04:39 pm 1447519190