My grandson's Valentine Party was very sweet. He thought it up and planned it all himself. (Though Mom helped with the cooking.) We had a dinner of chicken noodle soup and turkey/cheese sandwiches on Hawaiian rolls, with strawberry/M&M brownies (or pinkies!) for dessert. We played Uno and Dixit. Both brothers gave me and the other grandma handmade valentines. He said he was making a new tradition. I hope so!
It was a no-spend day for me. My frugal activity of the day was to make banana bread French toast sticks. Some time ago I made two loaves of banana bread and froze them. One I had cut into slices and the other I froze whole. Yesterday I thawed the whole one and cut it up into sticks -- basically, thick slices cut in half horizontally. I doused them all in egg batter and fried them, then flash-froze them on cookie sheet. A few hours later I transferred them to a plastic bag. I should be able now to take out a few at a time and heat them up for breakfast whenever I want.
Today I'm going to make lasagna roll-ups. I have two lasagna noodles (is that what they're called?) left, which is a perfect serving size for me. I found a recipe to use Greek yogurt instead of ricotta. I already have the mozzarella and the sauce. I'm going to add some minced veggies to the cheese filling.
My other big meal today will be corn chowder and biscuits. The corn chowder has been frozen (and is now thawing in the fridge) and there is enough to last for several days. For the biscuits, I have a can of Grands.
I'm reading a Ken Follett thriller right now, and I have to mention that a side character who was introduced as being an odd duck was described as "someone who makes her own granola." I guess that's considered odd. I've been making my own granola for quite a while! Glad I'm odd; it pays off.
We got snow yesterday but we are not snowed in. I don't have to move my car for plowing. I don't plan to go anywhere today, but I may take a short walk in the pretty snow. It's warmer today -- in the 20's! Heat wave! We will have a real heat wave later in the week when it gets up to the 50's.
I won't publish my menu today, since I've already described it.
Party Recap, and Today's Cooking
February 15th, 2016 at 02:32 pm
February 15th, 2016 at 02:44 pm 1455547465
February 15th, 2016 at 05:36 pm 1455557777