I figure as long as I stay under 1500 calories per day, I'm doing well, and today I had 1485 calories. Here's what I ate:
Blueberry pancakes
Coffee w/ creamer
French onion soup w/cheese bread
Piece of dark chocolate
Turkey/veggie fried rice
The blizzard that was so loudly predicted didn't materialize to much of anything in my neck of the woods. We've had snow in the air, but nothing really sticking. Further south, and to the east, there has been heavy accumulation. Even so, I stayed in. It is windy, and may be slippery, too.
I did a load of laundry today ($1.50) and paid my mortgage. It's pay day for my Social Security. The amount is still showing as "processing" at the bank, so I'll wait until it is processed before I pay the Discover bill, which is $1165.
I've been finding a lot of free entertainment on broadcast TV lately. Today I watched "Awakenings" with Robin Williams, which I've seen before, but enjoyed again. There's a bit at the end where his character talks about the human spirit being stronger than any drug. It was quite moving, and I couldn't help but wonder why Robin couldn't get to that place himself. He brought so much joy to so many people, but he couldn't save himself. I wish he was still with us, and still performing.
No exercise today, but I'll do my stretching before bedtime.
Day Four
February 24th, 2016 at 11:48 pm
February 25th, 2016 at 02:36 am 1456367763
February 25th, 2016 at 05:57 pm 1456423055
February 25th, 2016 at 08:48 pm 1456433324