Coming in at 1416 calories today. Food consumed:
Coffee w/creamer
2 eggs over easy
Lightly buttered toast
2 clementines
Chicken parmesan sandwich
1/2 cup applesauce
1 cup French onion soup w/cheese bread topping
5 oz. wine
1/2 cup frozen yogurt
I also took a 1/2 hour walk.
I had two financial surprises today. I paid my Discover bill and realized that I was charged $40 to renew my I-pass (for tollway fares). No problem, but I was charged in January, and I never counted it then. So it goes into February expenses; I'm not going to go back and change everything. That pushes my variables spending to 59%, still very good.
Then, looking at last February's expenses, I realized that I paid the first installment of my property tax last February, but I hadn't yet received a bill this year. So I got online, and saw that it is due on March 1! I was able to pay online, with a $1 fee, but I'm sure glad I looked. I looked all over, and I don't believe I ever got the bill. I remember that I got an application for my senior exemption, but the actual bill -- no. Not unless senioritis has really set in.
That said, I really have to get better about my paperwork. I hate it, and I'm bad at it. I'd like everything to be electronic.
I had to take $1100 out of my slush fund. But that's what it's for.
Day Five
February 26th, 2016 at 12:56 am
February 27th, 2016 at 03:24 am 1456543444