I went to sleep last night before making an entry for Day Seven. I went to bed early to read, because I was so cold, and fell asleep. I'm looking forward to the temperature outside diving; that's when the radiators come on.
I also had a bad headache and just had to baby myself.
But one good outcome: I accidentally skipped supper, and calories for the day were only 783!
Food consumed:
Coffee w/creamer
Toast w/peanut butter & jelly
Cream of veggie soup
Greek yogurt w/ honey
1 square dark chocolate
In the morning I went to Aldi, planning to buy only 10 items. As often happens at Aldi, I got more, but the groceries still fit into my two totes, so in a way I kept to my plan. And I got good diet stuff.
My purchases:
Almond Milk
Frozen Brussel Sprouts
Iceberg Lettuce
Frozen Broccoli Florets
Frozen Asparagus
Frozen Green Beans
Canned Broth
Canned Black Olives
Let me explain about the chocolates. In the discount bin, there were Russell Stover valentine boxes marked down to $2.05. Since I keep myself on my diet by rewarding myself with little hits of chocolate, I thought it was a good idea to get a box for that price.
The total bill was $22.
After lunch I went to see "The Big Short" (which I obviously didn't see the other day when I said I was going to!) It cost me $7. I thought it was a pretty amazing movie; certainly clarifying about what went wrong in the housing market, and a little depressing to think about the level of greed that fueled it. I loved Steve Carell's speech at the end about how fraud never works; I wish those in power really believed that.
I didn't do any significant exercising, though I did some running around, and parked far away from my destinations. I got to Aldi about 15 minutes early and walked around in Home Depot waiting for Aldi to open.
I found a penny. So far this year, I've picked up .97 off the street. I've also earned $15 from Pine Cone. Every little bit helps.
Oh, and in the interest of transparency, I gave $5 to a homeless woman. It was right after the movie, and I was feeling very un-greedy.
Day Seven
February 28th, 2016 at 02:23 pm
February 28th, 2016 at 04:43 pm 1456677801
February 28th, 2016 at 07:02 pm 1456686165