Home > Day Nine

Day Nine

March 1st, 2016 at 12:27 am

Came in at 1412 calories today.

Egg casserole
Coffee w/creamer
Toast w/butter & marmalade
Red Vine pizza
Peanut soup

I had veggies on the pizza and in the casserole. If I get hungry later I will have a serving of veggies, but right now I'm feeling about right.

I did my February recap:

Taxes: $942
Housing: $677
Utilities: $162
Vacation/Travel: $122
Gifts/Charity: $106
Groceries: $86
Fees/Services: $84
Phone: $52
Eating Out: $41
Entertainment: $31
Medical/Health: $29
Household Supplies: $13
Vet/Pet Supplies: $11
Personal: $11
Laundry: $11
Grand Total: $2378

The taxes are my first semi-annual payment of property taxes. I'll be paying my state income tax next month.

Fees/Services included I-pass fee, tax prep fee, and my passport picture. Next month I'll pay for the actual passport.

Everything else was nice and low. My variables percentage was 66%, even better than I thought.

I was planning to go to the dentist tomorrow, but I called to reschedule. Heavy snow is predicted for tomorrow, and I don't want to drive in it. My dentist is more than 20 miles away.

Today was the fourth day in a row that I haven't had heat. I think it is finally coming on tonight, though I have had enough false alarms, I'm not sure yet it will stay on. All I can say is, I'd better get heat tonight; the temperature is plunging.

Our association president shared an email he sent to the property managers. "Three days without heat. HELP!" I suspect they really believe they can turn off the heat when it gets into the fifties outside, because "it's so warm!" Yeah, it's warm for February. Still cold. They should live here.

I wish my suffering were translating into lower costs, but it doesn't make any difference at all. I pay my assessment fees just the same, whether I freeze or burn up.

Okay, I'm done complaining! Looking forward to a toasty day tomorrow while I watch the snow fall!

4 Responses to “Day Nine”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Oh yes, I hope you do get some heat tomorrow! Otherwise snuggle in; eat warm foods and drinks.

  2. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Nobody should have to live like that, what on earth is wrong with them??? Especially when for your struggle you get no lowered expenses.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    The heat came on last night. Hurrah! It feels so good.

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    You're making me glad I don't live in a condo. Glad your heat came on!

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