Calories: 1321
Everything Bagel w/Olive-Nut Spread
Chicken Biscuit
Popcorn, No Butter
1 Square Dark Chocolate
Tea w/Sugar
Veggie Plate
I haven't actually eaten the veggie plate yet, but I have counted it, and I will eat it later.
Today after voting in the Illinois primary I walked to the hairdresser's and got a haircut ($15). I had been letting it grow out a little, but yesterday I happened upon an old picture of my shorter style and realized I just liked it a lot better. Even though it's trendy for older women to wear longer hair, it doesn't necessarily look better. So wearing long hair will not be one of the ways I save money in retirement! Ah well, my haircuts are cheap. I found a great cutter at Supercuts, and I will mourn when she moves back to Seattle in a year or so.
I did two loads of laundry today -- I washed my sofa pillows, the cat's bed, and my bath mat. All really needed. I also did some more filing. I've gotten down to one box of papers to sort and file. And most of them will be tossed.
I didn't get to the grocery store today, but it's better to go tomorrow anyway -- closer to the day of the dinner. And I have to do some serious cleaning tomorrow. I love my DIL, but she and her mom are much more particular about housework than I am, so I always feel a bit on the defensive when they come to my house.
Day Twenty-Four
March 15th, 2016 at 10:14 pm
March 16th, 2016 at 01:39 am 1458092388
Good job on the calorie count today!