Day 28: 1210
Day 29: 1333
Day 30: 1479
Day 31 (Today): 1410
I spent a long weekend with my BFF in Indiana. As you can see above I stuck to my diet, even with dinners at Applebee's and Olive Garden, movie treats, and a hot dog at Dog & Suds!
The mini-vacation cost me $29 in food and $17 in gas. My BFF had a lot of gift cards she wanted to use up and was very generous in sharing with me. We even went to a movie (Zootopia) that cost me nothing because she had a gift card.
We both really like to treasure-hunt at Goodwill, so that was one of our stops. I spent $6 on clothing, $22 on gifts, and $14 on stuff for the house. Best find was a dressy red jacket and a black satin skirt for $2! I'll have to lose more weight to get into them, but for $2, it was worth the gamble. Another good find was two Wilton cake pans -- like new -- but they were $6.
I did some re-thinking about my variables budget, and decided it was silly and even counterproductive to try to to work large semi-annual and annual expenses into it, even things like the dentist and annual subscriptions. They just throw it all off. I have the slush fund in place for unusual expenses, and that is what I should use. With that adjustment, my variables spending is now at a more reasonable 69%. To make this work, of course, I will have to be vigilant about consistently rebuilding the slush fund whenever I come in under budget. I don't anticipate this will be a problem, but I will certainly be mindful of it.
I came home very tired this morning, but it was a good time.
Day 28 through 31
March 22nd, 2016 at 10:26 pm
March 23rd, 2016 at 12:11 am 1458691914
March 23rd, 2016 at 03:38 am 1458704314
March 23rd, 2016 at 09:46 pm 1458769609
March 23rd, 2016 at 11:59 pm 1458777597