Home > Day Seventy-Nine

Day Seventy-Nine

May 11th, 2016 at 03:37 pm

Calories: 1394

I did two loads of laundry yesterday ($3). Today I'm going to grocery shop and on Thursday I'll clean. My BFF is coming on Friday morning.

I am signed up to attend a Happy Hour event in the city tomorrow. Hosted by my professional organization. I try to make it to as many of these things as I can, just for the social aspect. I'll have to look it up to see if there is easy access by public transportation. I've learned that driving and parking is more expensive than the event itself.

Variables spending is 35%, right on track, but of course grocery shopping today will throw that off a bit.

I'm loving retirement more every day!

2 Responses to “Day Seventy-Nine”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    I don't doubt it. Smile

    Your new lifestyle sounds lovely; glad you are enjoying.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    So glad you are enjoying retirement. I'm looking forward to it in 8 school days. Some people I know wanted to retire and then weren't happy. I cannot imagine that being my issue. As I can see, it is not yours.

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