Calories: 1374
I did well yesterday, even with a surprise eating-out lunch (and an indulgence -- a small chocolate shake). I had a very light dinner.
After GS1's baseball game yesterday, I went out to lunch with GS2 and the other grandma ($7) and then we went to an art fair in the park, which featured work by K-12 students citywide. Both my grandsons had work displayed. Both were self-portraits -- one a collage and one a painting, which was a little off-beat, depicting only half his face. I love their creativity. We visited most of the exhibits, and GS2 made a Father's Day card at one of the booths. It was a good day.
When I came home, I had to wash my bedding again because of cat mischief. Grrr! I think it happened because my quilt was on the floor, and somehow that makes it fair game? I'll have to be vigilant about any other accidents, and see the vet if need be. If I can figure out which cat is the culprit!
I reordered my prescription online yesterday and realized it is due to arrive the day I leave for Florida. I have enough to get me through my vacation, but I don't like the idea of the package sitting there for a week. I'll have to tell my son to look for it if I don't get it before I leave. Anyway, the refill was free, one of the perks of my Medicare Advantage plan.
Today I'm going to shop for a couple of things from DIL's Amazon list -- I mean shop live; I don't want to take the chance that packages won't arrive in time, much less pay for shipping. There is a book I can get at Barnes & Noble, and hand soap from Target; should be easily accomplished. (She said confidently).
I also want to see "Love & Friendship" -- the latest Jane Austen movie. I may wait till Tuesday, which is discount day, only $5.75. Wednesday is Seniors Day, and it's $6.25 -- what's up with that? Seems it should at least be the same price as discount day -- anyway, I'll focus on Tuesday.
Day Ninety
May 22nd, 2016 at 02:32 pm