Home > Day Ninety-Two

Day Ninety-Two

May 24th, 2016 at 03:10 pm

Calories: 1517

My calories would have been lower, but I was still hungry after dinner, so I had some toast. For me, this is all about finding an eating plan that will be comfortable for life without making me fat!

That's why I'm planning to have a small popcorn when I go to the movies today! I'm going to go see "Love & Friendship." I love anything Jane Austen (though I have to say Pride & Prejudice & Zombies was a little too far out of my league!) I'm going by myself, as I don't have a Jane Austen soulmate here in town.

Last night was another baseball game. I gave my grandson a ride home afterwards, and he asked me why I was always going away on a trip (when I mentioned I would be in Florida next week). Tickled me -- I sure don't travel much, in my perspective, but in his perspective, I do! He asked me why I am always going to Michigan, and I said it was so I could see my brother, which blew his mind -- he had no idea that "Uncle M" was my brother. I guess that's how it is for kids, they go here and there to visit and actually have little idea of the relationships behind the visits.

I don't think I have any financial news today, except that my electric, cable, and assessment fees all posted yesterday -- but that's all automatic. Tomorrow is pay day! But that is a non-event, as well, since all I do on pay day now is pay my mortgage and pay the Discover bill.

One cool thing, though -- they changed my street-sweeping schedule so that it is always on the two days after pay day. That's going to be so easy to remember!

5 Responses to “Day Ninety-Two”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    I totally don't have a problem with going to the movies on my own, it can be so hard to find someone to go with you. I also don't mind getting my snacks from the supermarket either; I usually get a bag of cooked popcorn and some chocolate Smile

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Are you allowed to take food into movie theaters in Australia? We are not supposed to -- though I have sometimes sneaked it in.

  3. Kaycee Fisher Says:

    I was LOL about your grandson's amazement that "Uncle M" was your brother.

    When my youngest nephew was 4 or 5, I was asking him if he knew what his dad's "real" name is.

    He told me "P" and I said that I know a "P" too and that "P" was my brother. He looked at me in disbelief and than ran to his dad and told him that Aunt K is saying your her brother!

    My brother laughed and said that's because I AM her brother.

  4. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Nobody checks your bag and it's something a lot of people do, it's not unusual - we generally keep it inside the handbag though, it's not something you would openly carry in.

  5. CB in the City Says:

    That's how it is here, too; I just wondered if Australian theater policies were different!

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