Home > Days One Hundred One through One Hundred Ten

Days One Hundred One through One Hundred Ten

June 11th, 2016 at 06:21 pm

101: 1460
102: 1761
103: 1382
104: 2024
105: 1641
106: 2122
107: 1510
108: 1918
109: 2404
110: 1739

Many estimates in here, but I think I did a fair job of calculating. Obviously, I allowed myself some treats. The average was 1796, which, for me, is not dieting, but perhaps it wasn't gaining either.

Now it's back to more stringent eating!

2 Responses to “Days One Hundred One through One Hundred Ten”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Although you claim you didn't diet, it looks like you had a fun time on your trip (from your previous post) and sometimes eating well adds to the enjoyment of the trip and then you return home and get back to normal eating. Welcome home!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Thanks! I certainly intend to rein in. It helps that it's so hot I don't feel like eating!

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