Calories: 1265
Yesterday's heat affected my appetite. I didn't really feel like eating, and I was able to keep my calories quite low.
Today is cooler. My air conditioners (window units) are not yet installed. They are too heavy for me, and my son, who is my installer, has been too busy to get around to it. He generally installs for me when he does it for himself, and he hasn't done it yet.
Since I am in a BOB (big old building) it stays pretty cool even when it's hot, and I have fans. That said, yesterday was pretty hot!
Because of my vacation and my fun spending while on vacation, my variables budget is at 86%. That's if I try to cash flow the whole vacation. I would like to do that; I don't want to erode my savings, especially for non-emergency things. So that leaves me with a big challenge to eke out the rest of the month with only $115 (non-bills, of course). And yet I already know that will be almost impossible, as my other DIL is having a birthday at the end of the month, and I have to buy a present and make a meal.
However, I CAN have a pantry/freezer challenge and try to do as little grocery shopping as possible. I am decently stocked up and I think I can make what I have go far.
Yesterday we set up the "new" keyboard at my son's house, so GS2 is all set for his piano lessons, which start tomorrow. It was really satisfying to be able to help them out by hauling it back from Florida.
Also tomorrow there is a night baseball game for GS1 in a nearby (but not too nearby) suburb. I am looking forward to it -- I think it will be fun to watch a game under the lights!
I had almost given up on my man friend, but he emailed me yesterday. We will meet on the July 4 weekend for lunch. I've stopped expecting this relationship to move along, so I guess I'll just be happy to have a lunch buddy.
Yesterday was a no-spend day except for a load of laundry ($1.50). (And I have another to do today.)
Today should be no-spend, too, but I do have some no-cost errands today -- I have to return materials to the library, and I'm also going to go the the grocery store just to pick up my free MyMixx item (this time it's a can of Pepsi -- which isn't a need, by any means, but might be nice to take to a baseball game.) And since it's free, I'll add its value to the snowflakes. I'm already at the point where I can give each grandchild $340 for their college funds this Christmas! And I will be earning more -- I have a $200 bonus coming from Chase, as well as the $50 gift card from Choice Hotels.
There's a cool breeze floating in through the open windows, and I'm lovin' it!
Update: I just checked my Chase account and the bonus is there! So that's another $50 for each grandchild!
Day One Hundred Eleven
June 12th, 2016 at 02:51 pm
June 12th, 2016 at 11:54 pm 1465772088
Glad the Chase bonus was there! Woo hoo!
June 14th, 2016 at 01:56 am 1465865771