Calories: 1434
I can't believe how well I did on calories, considering the eating I did at the carnival. But I did skip dinner. My main treats at the carnival were a crabcake sandwich and Italian ice. I also got into the caramel corn and cheesy fries that others bought.
Spending -- well, I spent $25 at the carnival, with little to show for it. Mostly went to activities for the grandchildren. They had a good time, though they got tired and crabby at the end. I understand, I was tired and crabby, too, though I held my crabbiness in.
I really can't stand for very long any more. I can walk, but just standing around and slowly strolling are murder on my hips and legs. I went home afterwards and immediately hydrated and took Advil. I still had a baseball game to go to. At least I can sit through that! But I didn't want my legs throbbing while I sat.
Hoping that weight loss will at least help if not solve this issue. And I should be more regular about stretching exercises.
Shifting to finance -- I am going to change my tracking from a strict monthly (1-31) schedule to a schedule that coincides with my payday, which is the fourth Wednesday of every month. So when I get paid on the 22nd, that will essentially be the first of July for me, since the bulk of July's expenses will come out of that payment. It is awkward to have a few days after pay day when I feel like I can't spend anything, because I am trying to come in under budget. The budget should really reset on pay day. So -- the only reason I'm explaining this to you guys is that you will see monthly recaps before the end of the month, which might look like I'm jumping the gun, or even worse, cheating!
Now I'm focused on the birthday dinner for DIL. My schedule: tomorrow I'll order the gift and grocery shop, Tuesday I'll clean the house, Wednesday prepare and serve the dinner.
And then on July 1, it's up to Michigan again for the July 4th holiday.
Everyone with a father, who is a father, married to a father, or has children who are fathers -- Happy Father's Day!
Day One Hundred Eighteen
June 19th, 2016 at 01:55 pm
June 19th, 2016 at 06:27 pm 1466357262
June 19th, 2016 at 11:50 pm 1466376622
Sorry about your not being able to you have back issues? I have discovered since I have had some back problems, certain things really bother me. For years I have had calluses in the ball of my feet and one doctor told me not to wear heels. I didn't wear heels. Now I have read it is called Greek toe or Morton's toe and it is a bone in my food that causes friction, but can also cause back problems.
June 20th, 2016 at 12:24 am 1466378682
June 20th, 2016 at 03:17 am 1466389038