Calories: 1260
It was too hot to eat!
Well, I had a bit of bad luck yesterday. I loaded up the dishwasher, pressed the button, and -- nothing. I checked the circuit breaker, tried several times choosing different cycles, canceled and restarted -- nothing. I looked online but quickly realized that none of the suggested fixes were anything I wanted to try myself. So I called a repairman. He will come this afternoon. I will have to pay $85 for a service call, but it will be applied to any repair/parts that are needed.
I'm kind of bummed, but in 3 1/2 years here, no appliances have needed work, and who knows how old the dishwasher is? The previous owner didn't leave a manual.
The worst part is that this is hitting just when I am preparing for the birthday dinner. I thought of postponing, but all the food is bought and some of it is ready. I can handle having a dinner without a dishwasher. I've been washing as I go since yesterday afternoon, and it's not too bad. I'll have a mess on my hands after dinner, but I have plenty of time to deal with a mess.
Best case scenario, it will be fixed this afternoon! I'm not expecting it, though.
I just hope I don't have to get a new dishwasher. I have the emergency cash for it, but I just don't want to go through the process, if you know what I mean! Shopping, installation, waiting and washing by hand while I wait ... yuck.
Yesterday was very hot and humid, and I am still living without AC. I had some discomfort but I managed; just didn't get much done. Best place in the house is on the bed, under the ceiling fan!
Today is much cooler; it's supposed to be a beautiful day. Storms tomorrow.
I have the taco meat prepared; the corn casserole is assembled and in the fridge and waiting for baking. I'll make the cake tomorrow; don't want it sitting too long in this humidity. I'll have a lot of last minute stuff to do before dinner, so I'll have to do the cleaning in the morning.
Today I'll clean the floors and the fish tank; both really need it.
Whew! Thanks for letting me organize my mind!
Day One Hundred Twenty
June 21st, 2016 at 03:24 pm
June 21st, 2016 at 10:30 pm 1466544653