Home > Day One Hundred Twenty-Nine

Day One Hundred Twenty-Nine

June 30th, 2016 at 02:19 pm

Calories: 1423

I got back to decluttering yesterday. Since I am now working on paper, I don't really have stuff to give away, but I did throw away and shred a lot of paper yesterday. Today I need to do a lot of filing. I also got the shredder set up where it should be, under the desk. I eliminated the mail backlog box, which will force me to deal with daily mail from now on.

I found something very cool -- a little datebook in which my mother had filled in birthdays and birth years for everyone in the family. It was not up to date, of course, with younger family members not represented, but very nice to have. I transferred the info to a spreadsheet, but I'm keeping the datebook with my mother's writing. I'm going to send the spreadsheet to other family members so they can fill in some blanks.

Today I'm getting a mani/pedi and packing for the trip. I'm going to take my laundry. Not only is it much easier (and cheaper) for me to do laundry at my brother's house, but it makes packing easier, too. Luckily, my brother and his wife don't mind.

Calorie-counting will be a challenge, but I will do my best!

3 Responses to “Day One Hundred Twenty-Nine”

  1. Michelle Says:

    CB = have a save trip and travels. Enjoy your time with your family. Happy 4th to you and yours

  2. rob62521 Says:

    What a cool thing to find...the datebook!

    Enjoy your trip.

  3. Frugaltexan75 Says:

    Fun find!

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