Calories: 1544
I was really hungry yesterday, so it was tough to keep it down to 1544. Could have easily caved and gone way over.
This morning I got up and baked banana nut muffins. 327 calories apiece. I had one for breakfast and the rest will go into the freezer for when I feel like I need a treat.
Yesterday was a no-spend day, other than $1.50 for a load of laundry.
Went to a ball game in the evening. It was cool and breezy and I really enjoyed the break from the heat. My grandson's team lost, but not as badly as usual. They are getting better. There's another game today.
I'm going to go to PetSmart later on and get more Muse cat food. I have three coupons which will get me six free cans if I buy 18. My cats really like this a lot better than Friskies, though they still leave a bit in the dish, which drives me wild. Anyway, this will be more expensive, but better for them, and less wasteful.
Looking forward to a busy week next week. I'll be taking my grandsons on individual "dates" -- one to a seafood restaurant, the other to IHOP. And I will also attend a "salon" downtown -- a discussion group sponsored by my professional association. It will be held at a riverside cafe, which will be fun. So I'll have a big eating out bill this month.
I ordered -- and already got -- my free OTC meds which are provided by my Medicare Advantage plan each quarter. This time I ordered generic Zyrtec, generic Pepcid AC, Dr. Scholl's medicated corn removers, petroleum jelly, low-dose aspirin, and PhytoPlex Hydraguard. $50 value.
Also in yesterday's mail was a check from a class action lawsuit - $17. This was for the DRAM settlement, specific to Illinois.
And, I got an invitation to the all-campus opening breakfast at the college I retired from. It will be late next month. I just might go!
Day One Hundred Thirty-Eight
July 9th, 2016 at 03:55 pm
July 9th, 2016 at 05:23 pm 1468081389
July 10th, 2016 at 12:38 am 1468107481
July 10th, 2016 at 03:11 am 1468116702
July 10th, 2016 at 03:42 pm 1468161773
July 10th, 2016 at 08:08 pm 1468177685