Calories: 1483
I spent a quiet day at home yesterday. No spending. I didn't accomplish much, except some household tasks.
I did not hear from the museum, and I heard nothing about the car. Of course, I don't expect to hear anything about the car until this afternoon, since they will get the part today (I hope).
I was called by TIAA to participate in a focus group that would have paid $175. However, after answering a series of questions, they decided I did not fit the profile they needed. This usually happens to me on surveys and such. I don't know what it is they are looking for, but it's not me!
I don't know the final tally on my car repair yet, but when I do, I'm going to actively work on making up the deficit. One thing I've decided to do is put a cap on my college fund gifts to my grandchildren. It doesn't make sense to give all my snowflakes away, when I need to pay for unexpected expenses. I will give them $350 each, which is still above what I gave them last year.
Of course, the money I make from the museum will be a big help, but last year I made $5K altogether, and that's about what the repair will cost. I can't really count on this particular stretch of work amounting to $5K.
All that said, yes, I DO have an emergency fund! It's just that, in retirement, it is so hard to replenish an emergency fund. I don't want to just drain it away.
Day One Hundred Ninety-One
August 30th, 2016 at 01:42 pm
August 30th, 2016 at 10:01 pm 1472590875
August 31st, 2016 at 04:05 am 1472612751