I had another bad night, not as bad as the others, but still ... just not getting enough sleep. After I got home from work today I had to lie down, I was so drained and exhausted, but then I had to get up again to go to the doctor.
This is the doctor who is subbing for my own doctor, and helping me out with my statin. At first she wasn't hearing me about the pain I am experiencing. I suppose it does boggle the mind that I have tried three statins and they all make me hurt. I probably sound like a whiner, but the pain is very real.
She settled on fluvastatin, which I haven't tried before, and which may have the advantage of being gentle on my kidneys. I will fill the prescription tomorrow.
I talked to my insurance company today and made sure they will send my info to my mortgage lender. They didn't have my loan number, so that was stopping the flow of information. That still doesn't solve the problem of the building insurance. I called my property manager, and I was given a number to call. I had to leave a message, but got no reply yet.
Spending today was $1 for coffee, $2 for parking, and $5 copay at the doctor's.
I'm going to meet K. for lunch tomorrow, so I have to figure out something for the brown bag. I do have apple slices. I may have to make a peanut butter sandwich. Or I could take some yogurt.
I didn't get to the gym today. I rarely miss, but the day was too crowded and I was too tired.
I got my free OTC medications in the mail today. I ordered Tyelnol -- regular, and PM -- menthol gel, Pepsid, lambs wool for my feet, and CoQ10. That was $50 worth!
I haven't heard anything about the orthotics. It seems like it's taking a long time to make them. I'd like to get that payment over with, and I'd also like to get some relief for my feet.
The teachers in our school district are threatening to go on strike soon. That means my DIL will need some help with babysitting, since she just recently got a part-time job. The timing isn't good for me, since I am working now, but I told her that if she can let me know on Mondays when I am needed, I can work it out in my schedule. The kids' other grandma also lives nearby, and she will help, too. She has a part-time job herself. My son can pitch in sometimes, too, as he can work from home on some days. We'll get it done. The best news would be, of course, that they decide not to strike!
Just a Lot of Blather
November 3rd, 2016 at 01:03 am
November 3rd, 2016 at 01:42 am 1478137347
November 3rd, 2016 at 10:49 am 1478170168
November 3rd, 2016 at 11:43 am 1478173426
November 3rd, 2016 at 01:35 pm 1478180113
November 3rd, 2016 at 07:42 pm 1478202162
Hope you get the meds that help you and don't cause you pain. And hope your feet soon get some relief as well.
November 5th, 2016 at 04:10 am 1478319053