Okay, I needed to get a Barnes & Noble gift card. Should have gotten it somewhere besides B&N (though I haven't seen any in the grocery stores, etc.) When I went in, I couldn't resist looking. I ended up getting a book for my DIL and a game for each of my grandsons. Spending all together was $82. I was just a little too late to use my 20% off coupon.
I really think I'm done now, besides writing the college checks for the grandchildren.
Thank goodness I've had part-time work to cover the cost of Christmas!
I'm going to enact another pantry/freezer challenge. I have a lot of food on hand and I need to eat it up, and not buy more groceries.
There will be some eating out, though. There's a Happy Hour with my downtown professional group on Thursday, a lunch with my girlfriends on Sunday, and a lunch with my local professional group next Thursday. Not sure I will make all of them -- weather may be a factor, especially on Sunday, which is the one I most want to go to. But the location is more than an hour away, and heavy snow is predicted. We'll see. I will have a driving buddy.
December is always crazy like this, and I might as well get used to it.
I'm going on my cruise on January 2, which means I won't be doing a New Year's brunch this year. Maybe I'll go for Valentine's Day. Better yet, Ground Hog Day!
And no, I haven't even thought about what I'm taking on the cruise, or how I'm going to take care of my animals. I guess a call to Pet Sitters is in order, since my usual pet sitters will be on the cruise with me.
Oy! More Christmas Shopping!
December 7th, 2016 at 01:29 am
December 7th, 2016 at 10:18 am 1481105900
December 8th, 2016 at 02:58 am 1481165881