If you looked at the comments on my last post, you will see that Another Reader very nicely informed me that today is not my pay day. For some reason, I thought it was coming a week early.
Therefore, all my calculations will have to be redone next Wednesday. I'm kind of glad, actually. This will be a truer representation of not only my monthly spending, but my annual spending.
I bought C. a pair of pajamas today. I found a nice, soft set at Marshall's for only $20. I also gave $10 to a school fundraiser.
I got my annual notice from Social Security letting me know what my income will be next year. It will be exactly the same.
I logged into my homeowner's portal to update my automatic payment for assessments fees. They are going up by 5%.
I just prepared another invoice for the museum, another $1,100 to come in. I'm working tomorrow, and Tuesday through Thursday next week. I won't work again until after the cruise, so I'll probably prepare another small invoice to capture the remaining hours in 2016.
I made a shepherd's pie today out of leftovers. It's only fair, but it will be cheap eating for the next few days.
I went to my grandson's stage production of the Nutcracker today -- he was a snowflake, and pretty darn cute, I have to say!
The weather has become more temperate, which is very nice after the polar temperatures of the last few days. It's supposed to rain on Christmas Day! Oh well, that will wash away a lot of the grimy slush.
Oh, brother!
December 21st, 2016 at 11:44 pm
December 22nd, 2016 at 12:16 am 1482365792
December 22nd, 2016 at 12:21 pm 1482409294
December 22nd, 2016 at 04:45 pm 1482425125
December 22nd, 2016 at 11:11 pm 1482448265